I was fortunate to visit the ministry with our two oldest children, Nathan and Kaelyn this past May. It was an amazing opportunity to witness and be a part of every aspect of our ministry, Divine Hope Orphan Advocates. I will be sharing a blog post highlighting each area of our ministry and what we experienced when we were in Zambia.
Every Saturday, for the past 7 years, Wallace and Bertha have fed the orphans, vulnerable families, widows, and elderly. Typically 150-200 people walk great distances (up to 4 miles one way!) for one balanced meal. Due to the drought and devastating loss of maize crops across the country this year, our numbers increase every Saturday. Many Zambians are starving, and the ones who come to the feeding every Saturday, are no different. Some confess that this meal is the first meal they have had all week.
The process of cooking is no easy task and Bertha relies on the assistance of several strong women every week. Many of the women are eager to help, not just for the fellowship, but for the promised tea and rolls for breakfast!
We started by collecting firewood in the woods nearby. We hauled large logs and small trees back to the cooking site to create a large fire to cook the massive pot of nshima needed to feed the masses who would arrive. The ladies taught us mzungus (white people) how to cut greens and stir the nshima as it was cooking. We were happy to give them a good laugh. As hard as we tried, we were no match for these women and their skills!
Once the food was prepared and all families were gathered in our soon to be poultry house, I shared a message of eternal hope, salvation through Christ alone, and then a prayer over the meal. Everyone formed a long line; there was no pushing, budging, or complaining.
We saw many individuals place some of their meal in a plastic bag to eat later in the week. Some children even shared their small piece of sausage with siblings that were still hungry.
After everyone was satisfied, we were able to bless each family with a Bible in their language. Many women broke out in tears as they graciously accepted their long awaited Bible. Because a basic Bible costs about half of a monthly salary (only $5 usd), most people choose to feed their family instead of purchasing a Bible. Thankfully, due to generous donations, these individuals did not have to choose! It is our hope to place a Bible in each individual's hands in the near future.
The Saturday feeding is a crucial part of our ministry. It helps the DHOA team to identify double orphans, watch for potential signs of neglect and abuse, and honor the elderly. It is a wonderful time of fellowship and laughter and an opportunity for the vulnerable to serve the vulnerable.