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It's happening!

 Our Discipleship Hall is underway!

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25

Tom and I stared at each other with unbelief and excitement...the Discipleship Hall is being built! The purpose of the Hall is to bring others to know Christ. It is being built on the Rock, Jesus Christ, all to Him and to His glory.

The foundation has been laid and is now complete. This week a steel structure will be constructed, followed by the roof. The construction crew at Divine Hope are incredibly hard workers. They stay out at the land until the project is complete and usually work from sun up to sun down, and even into the night as you see in the video below. Because of their diligent work, the Discipleship Hall should be complete in 2 months!

The directors and staff at Divine Hope Orphan Advocates are not the only ones excited for this hall. The villagers around DHOA, look on with excitement and anticipation. Currently, there is nothing like this available. The orphans and widows who come to the Saturday feedings have expressed how this simple building provides hope and encouragement.

The Saturday fellowship feedings continue to have large numbers of orphans, widows, and vulnerable families in attendance. As more and more progress continues to be made on the land, we will be sure to post pictures of the Saturday feedings as often as able. We thank you for your generous donations to make this meal happen every week. You are saving lives!

Enjoy the following videos describing the process of building the Discipleship Hall!



Wallace explains the need for rain as Zambia is under a severe drought at the moment. Please pray for rain so that we may have a bountiful harvest of maize.


The foundation is complete! Praise the Lord!


The most recent Saturday fellowship meals!

We are raising funds for the next stage! Please click the donate button to partner with us!


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