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A shelter for the storm

“Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit; let the earth cause them both to sprout; I the Lord have created it. Isaiah 45:8

From November through March, Zambia can expect to get anywhere from 28-50 inches of rain! This year’s rainy season is no different, making life a little harder for the widows and children who call a mud hut their home. 

This last Saturday, Wallace, Bertha, and all the volunteers worked in heavy rain to prepare the food in case 150 women, orphaned children, and elderly were able to come for a nutritious meal. Imagine for a moment, hauling heavy pots through muddy roads, keeping a fire going under a makeshift shelter, and the constant damp feeling on your feet and clothes all day as you serve those in need of a hot meal. This is nothing new for Wallace and Bertha, as they have braved the heat, cold, and torrential rain many times over the last several years.

This year needs to look different. DHOA is working hard to secure funding for a Discipleship Hall. With your help, we can provide a PERMANENT shelter not only for these weekly feedings, but a place to gather for worship, and community education. There will be a kitchen area to prepare food along with tables and chairs to sit and eat. This Discipleship Hall will be a place bustling with activity, praise and worship, laughter and joy. It will be a place to gather to stay dry as the community enjoys a meal together. It will be a place where the Gospel is regularly shared and hope is given to lost or broken souls.

The Scripture above reminds us that the Lord has created the rain that falls upon the earth; He brings forth the harvest. We are seeing the fruits of our labor as the maize is starting to sprout! We know that just like the maize, in due time, the Lord will bring forth a bountiful harvest, the salvation of many souls, and hope for the hopeless, if we do not give up. Would you prayerfully consider donating to help us reach our goal to build a Discipleship Hall?


Heavy rains, but pure devotion to the cause.


Where Bertha is walking is where the Discipleship Hall will be located! If you listen to her closely you will hear her say they had to restart the fire because it was washed away due to the rain. All the more reason a Discipleship Hall is necessary.


The skies cleared!


The maize is beginning to sprout! Soon to be bountiful harvest and one step closer to becoming self-sustaining.


Meet Felix Banda and his family! (right) They have recently joined DHOA. Felix is a skilled worker who is not afraid of hard work and is eager to see DHOA come to fruition. Pictured beside them (left) is Elijah, Stella, and their beautiful children.

Thank you for your continued love, support, and prayers!


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